Business Development Opportunities
CESA brings together the entire energy storage ecosystem, creating dialogues and venues for buyers to meet technology solution providers and developers, and ultimately lead to deal-making.
Opportunity Creation
CESA creates market conditions that allow for procurement opportunities that make engineering and financial sense to our members. We provide education to key decision makers through events and public forums so that they can yield bankable success for our developers. We also cultivate energy storage champions in key jurisdictions, including the three major California Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs)- Pacific Gas & Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Southern California Edison, as well as public bodies such as the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Legislature.
Procurement Notifications
CESA disseminates Request for Proposal (RFP) opportunities to our members and hosts forums such as our Annual Members Meeting to allow for open dialogue between members and utility energy storage planners and buyers.

Build Your Energy Storage Network
With over 90+ members, you can build important relationships with other industry leaders through exclusive CESA events, meetings, and policy working groups. CESA members can also access our Online Membership and Services Directory.
Investing in California Means Investing in Other Markets, Too
California is the beachhead market for the rest of the United States when it comes to the electricity sector. In addition to being the US state with the single largest potential for energy storage procurement, many states adopt California best practices and look to California developers and technology providers for leadership.

Join Us
Be part of the energy revolution. Join CESA to connect with industry leaders, influence policy, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving energy storage landscape.