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Working Groups

CESA channels your feedback and delivers techno-regulatory advocacy through its multiple Working Groups.

7 Working Groups

CESA has 7 active working groups, which provide members receive real-time insights on market, policy and regulatory developments. These collaborative, subject-specific working groups enable members to shape CESA positions on the issues that matter most to them. Other working groups are assembled on an ad hoc basis.

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

The CAISO Working Group focuses on wholesale market design, market products, and planning processes, including the establishment of hybrid market participation and the representation of storage marginal costs within CAISO markets.

Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

The DER Working Group focuses on programs and policies that impact behind-the-meter resources, including the Self-Generation Incentive Program, demand response and interconnection.

Emerging Technologies & Long-Duration Storage

The Emerging Technology and Long-Duration Working Group develops market pathways and funding opportunities for emerging technologies, including long-duration energy storage. 

Integrated Resource Plans (IRP)

The IRP Working Group focuses on IRP modeling, policies, and storage procurement, as well as additional procurement opportunities through AB 2868, emerging technology-related procurement, and more. 

Resource Adequacy (RA)

The RA Working Group focuses on California’s RA policy framework and capacity planning tools, including Central Buyer Entity (CBE) implementation, improving hybrid capacity methodologies, and energy and hourly capacity related reforms. 

Safety & Permitting

The Safety Working Group convenes CESA members and ESS safety stakeholders to collaborate on safety best practices, including updates on codes and standards, research, and safety policy

Legislation (Board Members Only)

Through the Legislative Working Group, CESA Board Members work with CESA and our Sacramento lobbyists to advance storage through legislative action, and educate key decision-makers about the value of energy storage. Contact us to join the CESA Board.