Safety Resources
Safety is an integral part of CESA’s Mission.
The safe development and operation of energy storage systems is the highest priority for CESA and its member companies. CESA collaborates with state and local governments, firefighters, standards organizations, and battery safety experts to develop best practices and appropriate regulations to promote energy storage safety. Through its monthly Safety Working Group meetings and annual member events, CESA shares the latest information on energy storage safety with its members.
California energy regulators have estimated that the state will need thousands of MW of energy storage capacity in the next few years to avoid potential blackouts and more than 50,000 MW of energy storage by 2045 to meet greenhouse gas targets while maintaining reliable service. CESA has compiled the documents below to help energy storage industry participants and the public find accurate information regarding energy storage risks, and the mitigation of those risks, as California deploys urgently needed energy storage capacity.
- Joint CESA & American Clean Power California Battery Energy Storage Safety Recommendations
- CESA - Battery Energy Storage - Overview
- CESA - Battery Energy Storage Facilities - Safety is Fundamental
- CESA - Safety Standards and Regulations
- American Clean Power - First Responders Guide to Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System Incidents
- American Clean Power - Claims vs. Facts: Energy Storage Leading on Safety
- American Clean Power - Battery Energy Storage Safety Frequently Asked Questions
- California Energy Commission (CEC) - Staff Workshop on Battery Energy Storage System Safety
- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) - Battery Storage Fire Safety Roadmap
- Greening the Grid - Grid-Scale Battery Storage Frequently Asked Questions
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - Energy Storage Systems Safety Fact Sheet
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) - Energy Storage Trainings for Local Governments
- Sandia National Laboratories - Energy Storage Safety Collaborative
- Vistra Corp - Offsite Consequence (Air Emissions) Analysis for the Morro Bay Energy Storage Project
- Vistra Corp - Offsite Consequence (Air Emissions) Analysis for the Morro Bay Energy Storage Project - Summary
“CESA is committed to the safe deployment of all energy storage resources in California so that people, property, and the environment are protected from harm. CESA supports the adoption of energy storage safety standards in California, consistent with industry and national standards, to prevent or mitigate hazards via proactive, collaborative stakeholder effort. CESA works to advance a culture that values safety, and CESA’s Mission Statement incorporates safety as a core value. We aim to ensure that our members are informed and have access to industry best practices for safely deploying energy storage technologies. In addition, CESA encourages its members to share transferable lessons learned for the continual improvement of energy storage safety standards.”
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