These short documents produced by CESA help to explain the role of energy storage in the future of the California grid and beyond. Each document covers a unique topic.

Gridlocked: How Local Planning and Energy Storage Can Help Surmount Grid Congestion and Enable a Clean and Just Energy Transition
To achieve a clean and reliable energy supply in the Los Angeles Basin, local planning must prioritize the deployment of clean and flexible resources. This study, conducted by Strategen Consulting Inc. on behalf of CESA, focuses on energy storage resources as a solution to replace aging and inefficient fossil-fueled assets in the LA Basin, which currently contribute to environmental and health damages, especially within disadvantaged communities.

About CESA and Energy Storage 101
As California moves towards its SB 100 goal of achieving 100% GHG-free electricity by 2045, the deployment of energy storage will be crucial to the success of California’s renewable energy transition.

Energy Storage Deployment
California needs massive deployments of energy storage to meet its SB 100 goals affordably and reliably. Energy storage can help solve many of California’s challenges and is an urgently needed, no-regrets solution.

Storage Issues and Opportunities
In California, record interconnection demand has delayed interconnection request applications. Regionalization has the potential to optimize resource and infrastructure buildout and reduce ratepayer costs by minimizing overbuild and increasing access to a bigger pool of resources. Distribution interconnected and behind-the-meter energy storage enables customers and communities to keep the lights on in times of grid stress.