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CESA Membership

Industries are stronger speaking with one voice. Let CESA speak for you. 

There are many benefits to joining CESA, including advocacy and market development, market and regulatory intelligence, expert access, networking and relationship building, industry leadership, and monetary savings.

CESA is the definitive voice for energy storage in California.

Our big-tent organization of over 90+ members has an unparalleled track record of successfully advocating for its members while maintaining strong, collegial, collaborative relationships with key decision makers at the CPUC, the CEC, the CAISO, and the California Legislature, as well as with the major utilities in the state. In fact, for the past ten years, all three major California investor-owned utilities have supported the annual CESA Market Development Forum. 

Energy Storage 101

The power grid is a complex system in which electricity supply and demand must always be equal, and frequent adjustments to the electricity supply must be made to meet changing demand levels. In California, for example, demand changes occur daily between periods of high usage (evenings) and low usage (early mornings), as well as seasonally, such as when air conditioning usage spikes during hot summers. Energy storage can help address these fluctuations and create a more flexible and reliable grid system.


Categories of Membership

  • Board Member
  • General Member
  • Startup Member
  • Associate Membership

Membership Benefits

Advocacy & Market Development
Startup General Board
Join CESA Working Groups to shape market outcomes at the CPUC, CAISO, CEC, CA Legislature, and FERC
Contribute to the CESA Political Action Committee to support energy storage champions
Guide CESA’s strategic growth through regular CESA Board meetings and annual strategic planning retreats    
Join the Legislative Working Group to direct CESA’s legislative advocacy    
Chair CESA Working Groups    
Market & Regulatory Intelligence for California, Federal, International
Startup General Board
Receive timely notice of publicly released Requests for Proposals (RFP) and other procurement opportunities
Receive comprehensive market and industry updates through our Monthly Policy Update
Access member-only tools, including the CESA Procurement Tracker, Member & Services Directory
Attend educational webinars on relevant topics
Receive advance (pre-public) notification of upcoming Requests for Proposals, when possible    
Business Development & Networking
Startup General Board
Build relationships with industry and utility leaders, government officials, market operators, potential customers through exclusive CESA events, meetings, working groups, including the annual Market Development Forum
Connect with members virtually via the CESA online Member Directory
Receive discounts to partner events
Enjoy custom introductions to key industry stakeholders, as appropriate  
Represent CESA in key face-to-face meetings with utility and government decision makers    
Access CESA Industry Experts
Startup General Board
Interface with CESA experts through routine communications and working groups
Receive additional personalized attention regarding CESA policy issues from CESA leadership, as reasonable    
Brand Promotion as Energy Storage Thought Leader
Startup General Board
New members receive announcement of membership on social media and Monthly Policy Update
Receive brand visibility at CESA events, CESA marketing materials, website, regulatory filings
Leadership recognition on all CESA marketing and events platforms (Market Development Forum, webinars, website, social media)    
Monetary Savings
Startup General Board
Save on regulatory activity costs through avoided governmental affairs and in-house legal staff expenses
Receive discounts to partner events
Share costs to pursue your policy priorities through standing working groups or CESA Special Projects

"CESA membership allows Form Energy to amplify our engagement in California in multiple ways, but it’s CESA’s policy and regulatory work that really stands out. Not only do CESA staff maintain strong connections with staff and decision makers at the state agencies, they track, analyze, and report out to members on key regulatory developments. In the complex and rapidly-changing environment that is California policy, these updates and insights are crucial to my work and to Form’s success."

- Sophie Meyer, Policy Advisor, Form Energy
If you are interested in learning more about CESA and how membership may bring value to you and your organization, get in touch by filling out the form below!