Karolina brings extensive energy policy knowledge, valuable regulatory experience, and dedication...
Jason Burwen Elected as New CESA At-Large Board Member!
March 25, 2024
We are thrilled to announce the election of Jason Burwen, VP of Policy and Strategy at Gridstor, as the new At-Large Board Member of CESA! Jason brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role, having served in various leadership positions within the energy storage industry.
Jason's impressive background includes his previous role as Vice President of Energy Storage at the American Clean Power Association (ACP), where he played a key role in shaping federal, state, and regional market policy advocacy strategies. Additionally, he served as interim CEO and Vice President of Policy at the U.S. Energy Storage Association (ESA), where he spearheaded initiatives that directly influenced significant energy storage legislation and regulations.
Throughout his career, Jason has been recognized as an expert in energy storage technology, policy, and markets, with citations in prominent publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and NPR. His dedication to advancing energy innovation and sustainability aligns perfectly with CESA's mission.
As the At-Large Board Member, Jason's role is to represent the voice of our general membership within the Board. We encourage all General and Start-up members to reach out to Jason at jason.burwen@gridstor.com with any questions, suggestions, or feedback they may have about CESA. Your input is invaluable in guiding the future direction of our organization.
Please join us in welcoming Jason Burwen to the CESA Board! We look forward to working together to continue advancing the energy storage landscape in California and beyond.
CESA Leadership