CESA Applauds Governor Brown and the California State Legislature for Passing Senate Bill 100

Written by CESA | Jun 20, 2024 7:00:52 PM


Energy Storage to Play Key Role for California to Reach Target of 100% Zero-Emission Electricity by 2045


 September 10, 2018

Sacramento, CA –The California Energy Storage Alliance (CESA) 
applauds the California State Legislature for passing landmark Senate Bill (SB) 100
making California the largest U.S. state to set such an aggressive zero-emission electricity 
target. Since 2010, California has procured 1,514 MW of new energy storage capacity to 
support the grid – by far the most of any state.

SB 100 would mandate 100% zero-emission electricity by 2045, with 60% renewables to be 
achieved by 2030. The bill now awaits the signature of California Governor Jerry Brown, 
who could sign it into law this week at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco. 
The bill will update SB 350, passed into law in 2015, that requires retail sellers and publicly 
owned utilities to procure 50% of their electricity from eligible renewable energy resources 
by 2030. California efforts to date have been so successful that state legislators believe 
more aggressive targets are achievable.

“Energy storage will be required to help meet this goal, and CESA members are ready with 
innovative systems and services to make that happen,” stated Janice Lin, Co-Founder and 
Executive Director of the California Energy Storage Alliance. “Our members offer diverse 
technology solutions to meet a variety of grid needs using energy storage, from fastramping hourly resources to longer-duration bulk storage. Energy storage, as a broad asset 
class, is able to integrate intermittent renewable energy and optimize existing assets for a 
cleaner, more affordable and reliable grid. California is the world’s fifth-largest economy and 
a true innovation engine – we’re creating the grid of the future.”

California investor owned utilities are already demonstrating their leadership toward 
achieving SB 100 goals. For example, last month Southern California Edison (SCE) 
submitted its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to the California Public Utilities Commission 
highlighting the significant role energy storage will play in achieving the state’s 2030 electric 
sector greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals. SCE models showed that in order 
to reduce its electric sector GHG emissions to 28 MMT by 2030, California load serving 
entities would need to procure an additional 9,604 MW of energy storage.

To support energy storage deployments and greenhouse-gas reduction goals, two 
additional energy storage bills that complement SB 100 await Governor Brown’s signature. 
The first bill, SB 700, adds more than $800 million in incremental buy-down incentive 
funding for behind-the-meter storage and extends the Self Generation Incentive Program 
(SGIP) through 2026. To date, the SGIP has successfully contributed to 318 MW of behind-the-meter energy storage procured in California. The second bill, SB 1369, for the first time 
defines green electrolytic hydrogen as an eligible form of energy storage to help address 
the future long-duration and seasonal storage requirements that will be required in 
California’s zero emission electric future. When signed into law, these bills will ensure that 
the California marketplace for energy storage will continue to expand dramatically in coming 
years, and that the state will continue to be one of the largest energy storage markets in the 