CESA Honors Dr. Carla Peterman with 10 Year Anniversary Champion Award

Written by CESA | Jun 20, 2024 7:05:55 PM



February 19, 2019

Berkeley, CA – Next week, California Energy Storage Alliance
(CESA) member executives, CCA’s, utilities, and government agencies will gather to 
honor Dr. Carla J. Peterman, former California Public Utilities Commissioner and 
steadfast energy storage champion. The intimate gathering of 200 leaders will take 
place at the 10th Annual CESA Market Development Forum in Berkeley, CA. 

Dr. Peterman joined the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in December 
2012 and served until December 2018. Her accomplishments during that time include 
the adoption of the world's first utility energy storage mandate, the successful 
procurement of more than 1,500 MW of new grid connected energy storage capacity, 
the development of the first framework for multi-use energy storage applications, and 
the approval of $965 million in approved EV infrastructure investments. 

The energy storage mandate model set by California under Peterman’s leadership at 
the CPUC has been so effective that it is now being repeated across the US. For 
example, New York recently announced its energy storage procurement target of 3 GW. 
Many more states are expected to follow suit. 

“Carla is a real champion for the clean energy sector,” remarks Janice Lin, CESA Co-Founder and Executive Director. “Not only has her support for energy storage laid the 
necessary foundation for the state to achieve its 100% clean electricity goal, but Carla’s 
vision and leadership has also provided necessary leadership and inspiration for the 
role of fast flexible energy storage solutions to enable many other states and countries 
around the world to do the same.”

Says Carla Peterman, “It is a great honor to be recognized by CESA. I’m proud of the 
work we have collectively done to demonstrate energy storage’s value to customers and 
the electric grid. Collaboration between industry, policymakers, and customers has been 
key to California’s energy storage success. Thank you CESA for your willingness to 

The invite-only CESA Market Development forum will be held February 26-27. Agenda 
and information here.